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3-way, 4-way plug valve is applicable to change the medium flowing direction to distribute the mediums, that are used in various industries such as petroleum, chemical industry, pharmacy, chemical fertilizer, power, industry etc. under nominal pressure class 150-900LBS, PN 1.0-16.0, working temperature of -29~55°C.
a. The product has reasonable structure, reliable sealing, excellent performance and beautiful appearance.
b. According to different conditions, the 3-way, 4-way plug valve can be designed into various medium flowing forms (e.g." type or "T" type)or all kinds of materials(Cast iron, cast steel, stainless steel ) or various sealing forms (e.g. metal to metal, sleeve type, lubricated, etc.)
c. The materials of the parts and sizes of flanges can be configured reasonably according to the actual operation the customer required, so as to meet the various needs of engineering.

Supplier: Saitai Valve, China
Manufacturer: Shop in Shanghai Qingpu Industrial Park


Structural formation BB-BG
Diving manner Hand wheel, worm, worm gear, pneumatic, electric-actuated
Design standard AP1599, AP16D, GB12240
Face to face ASME B16.10, GB12221,DIN3202
Flange end ASME B 16.5,JB79,GB9113,DIN2543-2545
Test &inspection AP1598.AP16D,GB13927,DIN3230


3-Way, 4-Way Plug Valves
3-Way, 4-Way Plug Valves
PN(LB) Shell test (MPa) Sealing test (MPa)   PN(MPa) Shell test (MPa) Sealing test (MPa)
150 3.0 2.2   1.6 2.4 1.76
300 7.5 5.5   2.5 3.75 2.75
600 15.0 11.0   4.0 6.0 4.4
  6.4 9.6 7.04
900 22.5 16.5   10.0 15.0 11.0
  16.0 24.0 17.6

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Catalog:WWW,BB0022,COMPlug Valves

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